

BACnet Protocol Stack

Cimetrics BACnet Protocol Stack BACstac

The Cimetrics BACstac (BACnet Protocol Stack, BACnet Stack) is the leading 3rd party BACnet protocol stack (SDK) with a customer list that includes many well-known brands in the HVAC, lighting control and physical access control industries world wide. 

When you use our BACstac we help you with BTL Certification!

Our software team has created a set of BACnet libraries which greatly simplify the task of interfacing to BACnet. Even the largest companies in the HVAC industry use our code because it is a very complex and time-consuming task keeping up with the ongoing changes that are taking place in the BACnet committees. For example, many hundreds of protocol modifications, requirements, and enhancements have taken place in just the past year. This typically saves man-years of software developer time EVERY YEAR! 

Cimetrics BACstac now supports BACnet/SC

BACnet/SC makes it much easier to create secure and standardized  BA infrastructure that is fully compatible with existing BACnet deployments, friendly to IT best practices, and that enables cloud-based applications.

From an IT perspective, BACnet/SC solves many common problems:

  • BACnet/SC provides a sophisticated network security solution that uses standards widely accepted by the IT community.
  • BACnet/SC eliminates the need for static IP addresses, reducing the burden on IT groups, and may decrease lease costs to users.
  • BACnet/SC is not dependent on broadcast messaging.
  • BACnet/SC eliminates BACnet/IP Broadcast Management Devices (BBMDs) and their configuration and is tolerant of changes in network topology.
  • BACnet/SC works easily with firewall devices that are common in IT infrastructure.

Check which BACstac is right for you!