Today, Building Automation Systems (BAS) play a vital role in enabling buildings to facilitate our increasing reliance on the indoor environment. At the same time, BAS and IT infrastructures are merging and creating concerns that BAS becomes the unprotected cybersecurity attack surface that can cause economic, public relation, and safety havoc to enterprise systems and occupants alike.
Having benefited from “security through obscurity” for decades, the BAS industry is now in need of a broad security framework that leverages IT security techniques and best practices to address the unique needs of BAS vendors, integrators, as well as building owners and managers.
Secured by Cimetrics™ is a security framework created to ensure that the automation systems in buildings and facilities are defended from cybersecurity threats. The Secured by Cimetrics™ framework includes software, network devices, tools, professional services, and a holistic certification program, all to ensure that every element of an automation system has the best and necessary defenses against cyber attack. Secured by Cimetrics™ enables system vendors, integrators and facility managers to focus on their core expertise and value-add, and not on attempting to develop, install or maintain difficult and often questionable security features for their products, services, and facilities. The Secured by Cimetrics™ brand was created to provide vendors, integrators, building owners and managers with the peace of mind that products, services, installed systems, and processes used for buildings and facilities have been designed and implemented with the highest level of cybersecurity awareness.
Leveraging the NIST Cybersecurity Framework, Secured by Cimetrics™ provides BAS vendors, integrators and facility owners with a structured solution-set built on industry best practice in cybersecurity risk management, combined with Cimetrics’ deep understanding of the needs and concerns of the BAS industry gained from three decades of delivering networking and cybersecurity technologies to over 60% of global vendors.
Developers of BAS products and services are today challenged with delivering their core value propositions at the same time as ensuring that their offerings fulfill the demands of an ever-changing cybersecurity threat landscape, and scrutiny by their client’s IT departments.
By leveraging the Secured by Cimetrics™ framework, developers can focus on their core expertise and discipline, while sales and marketing departments can promote their offering as secure, and executives can be comforted knowing that risks from cybersecurity exposure are minimized. Cimetrics offers a variety of products and services for vendors, including secure BACnet software stack, development professional services, branded network devices, and other tools. Vendors benefit from Cimetrics’ decades of technology leadership, and from visibly promoting their secure offering by licensing the Secured by Cimetrics™ brand.
Secured by Cimetrics™ gives vendors a formidable message on their cybersecurity preparedness
Integrators today are challenged with demanding clients, increasingly complex systems, ever-tightening budgets, shortening project timelines, and the constant drumbeat of concern regarding cybersecurity. As the installer of BAS devices and systems, integrators are often the face of the systems they install, thus have the burden to quell their clients’ cybersecurity concerns.
By choosing Secured by Cimetrics™ branded products and utilizing the array of Secured by Cimetrics™ tools and best-practice, integration engineers can focus on their project implementation, while management can draw comfort that they are offering the best security solutions to their clients.
An increasing number of BAS products will carry the Secured by Cimetrics™ branding, symbolizing that they incorporate the best cybersecurity technology available. A variety of tools from Cimetrics will further assist integrators in delivering secured solutions, while Secured by Cimetrics™ education and training ensures that engineers are always up to date on cybersecurity defensive strategies.
Secured by Cimetrics™ empowers integrators to express their commitment to addressing cybersecurity
Building owners and facility managers have the demanding job of operating their facility over the decade-long life of their building. Amongst the broad array of daily tasks they are concerned with, today’s reliance on digital systems in buildings demands that they have a strategy to actively monitor their facility for threats, and be able to be proactive in responding to breaches.
By ensuring that systems installed in the building are Secured by Cimetrics™, and by choosing integrators and maintenance vendors that are certified under the Secured by Cimetrics™ framework, owners and managers will significantly reduce their exposure from potential cybersecurity threats.
Services within the Secured by Cimetrics™ framework, provided by Cimetrics and partner companies, include proactive monitoring for security vulnerabilities, professional services to address any indication of a breach, and cybersecurity threat assessment.
Secured by Cimetrics™ is a reminder that all has been done to secure the building from cyber attack.