December 17, 2020
Introducing the Managed BACnet Primer, a document created by a BAS industry collaboration to provide holistic cybersecurity for BAS systems. Managed BACnet is an industry-wide, interoperable, and resilient framework to manage BAS/OT systems and devices securely, using IT infrastructure and best practices, from small single commercial buildings to multi-site global portfolios. Learn more in Managed BACnet Primer
Check out past shows for a live weekly open conversation with industry leaders to help us get through the pandemic and prepare for a new normal in commercial buildings post-COVID. December's discussions were:
Watch all the latest talk, or register here for the next Monday Live!
Join live on Mondays at 3:00pm - 4:00pm EST
We offer several modules that enable you to add BACnet capability to your products. Adding a module to your product is an alternative to integrating a BACnet software stack into your product's firmware. Learn more
Hear a recording of the Association of Energy Engineers New England December 2020 program featuring our Managing Director of Analytics discussing the benefits, pitfalls, and best practices for a successful building analytics program. Listen to the podcast here
IoT Cybersecurity Improvement Act, cybersecurity trends in healthcare in 2021, a CISO’s Cybersecurity Wishlist and more...
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February 12, 2025
The Secured by Cimetrics (SbC) 4000 Appliance revolutionizes how building automation integrators like you approach large-scale BACnet/SC networks. It provides solutions for challenges like certificate management, onboarding, and multi-vendor integration often consume valuable resources and complicate operations.
February 04, 2025
New version uBACstac - BACnet Protocol stack for small devicesASHRAE winter conference, cybersecurity news, BACnet Standard 135-2024 published, Best Energy and Carbon Audit Software for Businesses, and more...
January 28, 2025
2025’s Biggest Healthcare Cybersecurity Threats, Cybersecurity Executive Order—Key Implications for the Manufacturing Industry, how AI will change cybersecurity and more...