May 24, 2019
Curated bi-weekly cybersecurity news summary for facility management professional, building owners and IT professionals who are interested in building security and Facility IT.
Between people, processes and technology, which one is the weakest link when it comes to cybersecurity? Read this article on the New Deal blog and decide for yourself.
ASHRAE has published the updated whitepaper on BACnet Secure Connect.
Alex Schoonveld - Senior Engineer at FMC Technologies Inc., Owner Building Systems LLC. had an ongoing project tracking the BACnet systems on the public internet since July 2018. He will talk about why this is a bad idea, who is currently scanning for these systems, how many are exposed and what he has seen on his own honeypot.
Alex started in the commercial controls industry as an installer in 1997. Over the years he moved to managing installations to project management. He has implemented all aspects of a project from beginning to end, including design, programming, startup and customer training. Currently, he has been overseeing a multi-year renovation of a large research facility while developing in-house standards and training programs for FMC Technologies Inc.
During his time in controls, he has designed and programmed systems for atriums to Zamboni surfaces across North America.
ASHRAE member, certified with multiple control systems and owner of Building Systems LLC.
Watch Alex's presentation you youtube
The crucial question: when hackers take down critical care devices, like in this extreme example, can doctors still save the patient? This article describes the current efforts to protect hospitals from cyberattacks.
In this article, security leaders discuss the most common obstacles and offer top strategies on how CIOs and CISOs can work to align their resources and priorities to achieve the same enterprise objectives.
Analysts, researchers, industry professionals, and pundits alike have all posited the dangers of the next-generation “smart grid,” particularly when it comes to cybersecurity. They warn that without the right measures in place, unscrupulous parties could essentially wreak havoc on the bulk of society by causing severe outages or worse.
What lessons can be learned from this attack, and what can hopefully be done to mitigate risk in the future?
Moody’s has just slashed its rating outlook on Equifax, the first time cybersecurity issues have been cited as the reason for a downgrade.
Moody’s lowered Equifax’s outlook from stable to negative on Wednesday, as the credit monitoring company continues to suffer from the massive 2017 breach of consumer data. performance and solid security is no longer optional.
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December 18, 2024
2024 in retrospect: Lessons learned and cyber strategies shaping future of critical infrastructure, Office of the National Cyber Director Publishes the Playbook for Strengthening Cybersecurity in Federal Grant Programs for Critical Infrastructure, The best Cybersecurity advice in 2024 and more...
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