November 04, 2011
"High-Performance VAV Systems" is a recent award-winning ASHRAE Journal article that discusses several design and control strategies that can improve the energy efficiency of VAV systems. The article states: "Although none of these strategies are new ... implementation ... in buildings seems to be surprisingly infrequent ... these ought to be standard practice for every VAV system." We strongly concur with this statement; in our experience, many modern VAV systems in existing buildings could be re-programmed to operate in a way that would result in significant energy savings without compromising air quality. Note that ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010 made significant changes to how minimum outdoor airflow rates are determined.
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February 12, 2025
The Secured by Cimetrics (SbC) 4000 Appliance revolutionizes how building automation integrators like you approach large-scale BACnet/SC networks. It provides solutions for challenges like certificate management, onboarding, and multi-vendor integration often consume valuable resources and complicate operations.
February 04, 2025
New version uBACstac - BACnet Protocol stack for small devicesASHRAE winter conference, cybersecurity news, BACnet Standard 135-2024 published, Best Energy and Carbon Audit Software for Businesses, and more...
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