November 01, 2018
Cimetrics is happy to announce that we have joined The New England Clean Energy Council (NECEC) - the premier voice of businesses building a world-class clean energy hub in the Northeast, influencing the energy policy agenda and growing the clean energy economy.
NECEC is the only organization that covers all of the clean energy market segments in the Northeast, representing the business perspectives of clean energy companies that span the broad spectrum of the clean energy industry, including energy efficiency, demand response, renewable energy, combined heat and power, energy storage, fuel cells, advanced and “smart” technologies, and many more.
NECEC’s mission is to create a world-class clean energy hub delivering global impact with economic, energy and environmental solutions. More information on the membership.
Join NECEC and MassCEC at the next Emerging Trends Series exploring where cleantech converges with other segments of the innovation economy. Over the next year, several Emerging Trends Series panels will include speakers that probe topics and trends in cleantech that converge with industries such as IoT, cloud computing, consumer and mobile electronics, artificial intelligence, biotech and more.
This new series explores the intersection of clean energy and other industries and sectors as they increasingly overlap, feeding innovation and creating new opportunities for residents, businesses, and entrepreneurs. Together, NECEC and MassCEC hope to educate and foster collaboration and cross pollination between innovation technology sectors in the Northeast.
The series will kick off on November 8 at the Google Cambridge Campus with a panel discussion about the convergence of artificial intelligence (AI) and cleantech. As AI and machine learning trends have grown over the last several decades, they have impacted industries from healthcare to financial services. AI is in the early-stages of use in cleantech, utilities and energy, where companies are seeing increasing opportunities to use AI to improve reliability, safety, cyber security and efficiency, and to reduce costs.
Emerging Trends Series: Where Artificial Intelligence and Cleantech Converge will bring together innovators and technology leaders from companies and organizations who are using AI to drive better management, safety and deployment of clean energy.
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February 12, 2025
The Secured by Cimetrics (SbC) 4000 Appliance revolutionizes how building automation integrators like you approach large-scale BACnet/SC networks. It provides solutions for challenges like certificate management, onboarding, and multi-vendor integration often consume valuable resources and complicate operations.
February 04, 2025
New version uBACstac - BACnet Protocol stack for small devicesASHRAE winter conference, cybersecurity news, BACnet Standard 135-2024 published, Best Energy and Carbon Audit Software for Businesses, and more...
January 28, 2025
2025’s Biggest Healthcare Cybersecurity Threats, Cybersecurity Executive Order—Key Implications for the Manufacturing Industry, how AI will change cybersecurity and more...